Those who wish to renew their wedding vows do so because they want to strengthen their love after many years, continue building a beautiful relationship under the blessing of God, here it does not matter what kind of religion you are.
Vows can also be renewed symbolically, here are some ideas you might like when thinking about how to renew wedding vows.
What are Catholic and Christian wedding vows?
More than thinking about how to renew wedding vows is understanding the true meaning they have, wedding vows are promises made to each other that commit the relationship over time.
Respect and love must be expressed in wedding vows, when a couple wants to renew their vows it is because they feel the need to strengthen the love, respect and commitment they have had for years with the relationship.
Catholic vows are quite traditional, they are usually recited by the father or priest of the church and the couple answer, there is also another more flexible option and that is where each one writes a few words of promise for the other.
Christian vows are written by the couple as a promise of love, they are not very different from Catholic ones, what you must do to renew them is to have married first in the Christian church.
Ideas to renew wedding vows
Although there are different wedding traditions in Colombia depending on the religion that each one has, the truth is that to renew your vows you do not need to resort exclusively to the church.
Choosing locations other than the church is an excellent option, if you want to have a priest you can do it, having a beautiful ceremony in a place outside your church is possible.
There are rituals that you can choose if you do not want to have a priest that day, love rituals are the most beautiful you can see, everything revolves around the couple, especially strengthening the love they have for each other.
There are some ideas that we have for you that you are going to love, they are traditional, non-traditional and special ways on how to renew wedding vows that you can choose, you will not regret it, believe us!
Honeymoon, a second chance to celebrate it
No matter what wedding concept you’ve had, you can choose to keep it or do something different, like renewing your wedding vows on the beach or out of town.
when to renew wedding vows At 25 and 50 years of marriage, although any time is perfect to do it.
If you do not want to renew your vows in the church but with a priest, what you can do is find one who celebrates the mass in the place of the celebration, for example on the beach with a decorated altar and chairs for the guests.
There are dream locations in Cartagena, you can renew your vows and celebrate with your loved ones and those closest to you, also enjoying the sea in a romantic getaway is priceless.
celebrate outdoors
If you still don’t know how to renew wedding vows, there are several ways you can do it, one is spiritually, traditionally or through a ritual to renew wedding vows.
The best thing is that in any case you can do it outdoors, in a beautiful place, traditional wedding vows are usually celebrated in the church, with lots of flowers and under God’s blessing, then the party continues.
No matter how you want to renew them, the important thing is that you are clear about what you want to do and what meaning they will have in your life as a couple. You should know that there are three wedding vows: fidelity, perpetual love and respect.

Ritual of love, priest or not?
How to symbolically renew wedding vows? It is very easy, you do not need a priest to make them valid, after all you have already sealed your love with your partner years ago before God and the law.
The renewal of marriage vows is not legal, so you can do it by the church or symbolically.
If you do not want a mass or ceremony in the church, what you can do is a symbolic ceremony or renewal of wedding vows, there are various rituals, planting a tree, sand and candle ceremony.
Although some are used in symbolic weddings, these are also made to renew wedding vows. What is it about? Planting a tree or a plant that represents or likes them both, this represents the long-term union.
The sand ritual is much easier to do, you only need sand like beach sand, you should have 2 small glass containers and a large one, the idea is that each one take the small ones with sand and pour them into the bowl at the same time. large, symbolizes the union, separating the sand is impossible.
The one with the candles is the same as the sand ceremony, except that with candles, each one takes a small candle and lights a large candle at the same time, at which time they must recite the vows.
As if it were your second wedding, but with the same person
There are those who prefer a ceremony in style, as if it were a second marriage, when they think about how to renew wedding vows with everything, a ceremony by the church and reception in a location is ideal.
They can have new rings that reinforce the commitment and renewal of vows, there can also be a wedding dress and wedding dress, choose a type of wedding service such as good catering and confectionery.
Celebrate the renewal of your vows in a dream place
Any way you think about how to renew wedding vows should be celebrated, especially if they waited many years to do it, dream places where you can celebrate love. The best!
At Wink Events we know that every celebration is special, especially celebrating the love of a couple. It doesn’t matter if you choose a country, vintage or glam decoration for a wedding, the important thing is to honor the union in the company of those who love the most.
We recommend hiring a company to help you with all the logistics of the event, doing it yourself is difficult, finding a dream place is not easy, with a wedding and event planning company you will surely find the one you like the most.

You already know how to renew Catholic and Christian wedding vows, it is about renewing and celebrating love, at Wink we know how important celebrations are, we have everything you need for the celebration.
Enjoy the entire process without stress, at Wink we take care of everything and we accompany you throughout the process, plan your wedding or renewal of vows with us, find out everything we have for you here.