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Tu ceremonia de boda soñada con buenas ideas.
We deviate from the traditional for each wedding, because there is no rule that applies, not everything should be in one way, it is not “just like that”.
Religious ceremonies, religious symbolic or just symbolic. Catholic, Christian, Indian or whatever cultural or spiritual preference you lean toward. Intervened by a friend, a relative, a coach or by a spiritual authority.
In church, outdoors, in a tent or where the heart tells them. Not all are the same because there are those who do not identify with any particular ceremony, so they look for alternatives to exchange their wedding rings and give their vows that represent what it really means to unite in a lifetime commitment.
Our spaces and services are there to do what they dream of, what they want and make that union that is so important valuable to seal this eternal commitment. Our team is willing to help you with what you need so that everything turns out as you wish.
At Wink we want to show you some types of wedding ceremonies that are celebrated around the world and that can help you choose the style that you like best.
Boda simbólica
A symbolic wedding is not governed by a mandatory protocol marked by a religion or a culture, it is rather a construction of what that great day means for each one, something different is done to represent that union.
In some cases, these symbols are part of the civil or religious wedding program, and on other occasions, they are the only ceremony that takes place.
It is made official by a friend, a relative, a person that the couple admire and respect for some reason or an official person who is an expert on the subject of symbolic weddings.
You will find symbols such as:
- Pintar un lienzo juntos
- Lavarse los pies el uno al otro
- Juntar 2 arenas en un sólo contenedor
- Encender velas de una sola llama de fuego
No matter what you want to do at your wedding, you can make your own symbols according to your taste.
Ceremonia Católica
The Catholic ceremony is the traditional ceremony, the one we all know and are used to seeing in novels and movies.
For a Catholic ceremony to be legal it must be done in a church, parish or chapel. At least in Medellín, this rule applies as stipulated by the church.
The Catholic Church stipulates a special protocol, from the exchange of wedding rings, to the homily and the nuptial entrance of the sacrament of love between a couple, in front of God and the altar.
Although there are some differences or variations depending on the parish priest or the church, everything will depend on where they reserve the big day and the agreements reached by the couple with the priest who officiates the marriage.
Las bodas hindúes
Hindu weddings are events full of symbolism, color and sacred rituals that symbolize the union between two families. These ceremonies are very different from the Western concept of wedding and vary greatly depending on the region, the caste and the family that celebrates them.
During the ceremony, the attendees sit around an altar with fire and three rituals follow one another.
The first is the fire offering Homa, the second is the Panigrahena of union between the couple and the third is the Saptapadi in which the couple circles the fire 7 times, chanting mantras and reading sacred texts.
To conclude the ceremony, the groom ties a flower necklace around his new wife’s neck as a sign of acceptance and sprinkles red powder on her hair, indicating that she is now a married woman.
It is necessary to clarify that if you have an inclination to this type of ceremony but it is not a duty to fulfill but rather it is a voluntary inclination towards this type of ceremony, you can make variations, add and remove, the most important thing is that the couple feels identified with every symbolism you carry out.
If you want to plan your wedding ceremony as you always imagined it, call us, at Wink we are ready to help you.
Las bodas hindúes
Las bodas hindúes son acontecimientos repletos de simbolismo, colorido y rituales sagrados que simbolizan la unión entre dos familias. Estas ceremonias difieren mucho del concepto de boda occidental y varían mucho según la región, la casta y la familia que las celebre.
Durante la ceremonia los asistentes se sientan alrededor de un altar con fuego y se suceden tres rituales.
El primero es el Homa de ofrenda de fuego, el segundo el Panigrahena de unión entre los novios y el tercero el Saptapadi en el que los novios dan 7 vueltas en torno al fuego, cantan mantras y leen textos sagrados.
Para concluir la ceremonia, el novio ata un collar de flores en el cuello de su nueva esposa como muestra de aceptación y rocía sobre su pelo polvo de color rojo, indicando que ya es una mujer casada.
Es necesario aclarar que si tienes inclinación a este tipo de ceremonia pero no es un deber que cumplir sino que es una inclinación voluntaria hacia este tipo de ceremonia, pueden hacer variaciones, agregar y quitar, lo más importante es que la pareja se sienta identificada con cada simbolismo que lleve a cabo.
Si quieres planear tu ceremonia de boda como siempre la imaginaste llámanos, en Wink estamos listos para ayudarte.
Preparamos todo para tu boda de destino en Bogotá
¡Queremos que tu boda sea inolvidable!
Para eso te ofrecemos un plan personalizado, integral y a la medida que te libere de todo el estrés. ¡Contáctanos y te contamos todo!

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